Noosa Biosphere Reserve - A celebration of community and environment.

Cultural Heritage

As a Biosphere Reserve, part of our mission is to celebrate and protect our rich cultural heritage in all its forms

The Kabi Kabi people managed these lands for tens of thousands of years, living within the sustainable limits of the natural systems.

We are now learning from their practices of cool burning to avoid catastrophic fires. We also recognise the efforts of generations of more recent arrivals who have fought to maintain the integrity of our natural systems.

Planning to live within our natural limits.

In recent decades, successive Noosa Shire councils have enacted and executed a comprehensive planning framework that acknowledges defined boundaries for human development. These boundaries are determined by an assessment of the necessity for a thriving and sustainable economy, all the while preserving the integrity of our natural ecosystems.

The landmark 1997 Noosa Shire Strategic Plan intends to ensure that human development does not adversely affect the natural systems that support our lifestyle.

Planning to live within our natural limits.

In recent decades, successive Noosa Shire Councils have enacted and executed a comprehensive planning framework that acknowledges defined boundaries for human development. These boundaries are determined by an assessment of the necessity for a thriving and sustainable economy, all the while preserving the integrity of our natural ecosystems.

The landmark 1997 Noosa Shire Strategic Plan intends to ensure that human development does not adversely affect the natural systems that support our lifestyle.

Do Good

Whether you are a resident, visitor, or business, you can play your part in maintaining a happy, healthy, thriving Noosa Biosphere community.