Noosa Biosphere Reserve - A celebration of community and environment.

Our Partners

We work with our partners under the guidelines of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program to deliver positive social, economic and environmental outcomes for Noosa. Project partners are listed under their respective projects.

Noosa Shire Council

In July 2006 the former Noosa Shire Council resolved to progress nomination for the etablishment of Noosa Biosphere Reserve covering the shire Local Government area. The reserve was formally established in December 2008. In 2015 the NBRF was established.

The NBRF works closely with our founding partners NSC, to identify opportunities for collaboration in an attempt to maximise benefits for environmental sustainability through the aims of MaB. The NBRF brings added value to NSC with research validated opportunities and by maintaining the UNESCO accreditation.

The foundation status allows NBRF to work autonomously to council and is therefore a separate entity.

UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program

The Noosa Biosphere Reserve is internationally recognised under the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB). Achieving such accredited status allows for Noosa Biosphere Reserve to connect with a network of some of the world’s most recognised experts within environmental sustainability and provides validation for an area identified as being of international importance for environmental sustainability.

Zero Emissions Noosa (ZEN)

The impacts of Climate Change are arguably the biggest threat to the natural systems that thrive within the Noosa Biosphere Reserve. Our partners at ZEN are committed to taking action on climate change, principally through reducing our reliance on electricity generated from fossil fuels.

University of the Sunshine Coast

Our primary research partner, UniSC brings a wealth of academia to identify real solutions to combat challenges impacting the Noosa Biosphere Reserve. Through specific studies backed up with real data, solutions for protection and conserving the valuable ecosystems can be sought with our strategic partner, UniSC.

Tourism Noosa

It is well known that tourism has the potential for both positive and negative impacts on the NBR. Economic benefits associated to tourism offer employment opportunities and financial income into the region. Yet current and increased visitation to the NBR needs to be managed carefully to reduce tourism related negative impacts. The NBRF works closely with our partners at Tourism Noosa to identify real solutions towards sustainable tourism operations for both present and future generations.

Everyone who enjoys the Noosa Shire is called to act as a custodian of our place. By working with our tourism industry, we can help educate visitors about how to travel sustainably and enjoy Noosa’s natural beauty in a responsible way.

Plastic Free Noosa

We’re proud to support Australia’s original ‘Plastic Free’ destination, by helping reduce the use of single-use plastics and thereby reducing landfill.

Plastics pollution is playing havoc with natural ecosystems around the world. In 2023 UNESCO implemented a communication campaign named ‘Towards Zero Waste Future for Biosphere Reserves’. The rationale for our partnership with Plastic Free Noosa is therefore an obvious one as their vision continues for the elimination of single use plastics. We endeavor to assist Plastic Free Noosa wherever we can towards empowering communities to make a difference.

Sunshine Coast Environment Council (SCEC)

SCEC have a mission that in part identifies that through leadership, education and environmental advocacy, they can encourage individuals and communities throughout the Sunshine Coast Region to work collaboratively towards the goal of environmental sustainability. The NBRF are proud to be partners with SCEC whose mission and vison is well aligned with the principles of the UNESCO MaB programme.

Queensland Water and Land Carers

QWaLC was formed in 2004 to fill an important need in supporting the valuable work of community groups in the Natural Resources Management sector throughout Queensland. The NBRF is predominantly managed by volunteers and many of our stakeholders and partners are heavily dependent on volunteers to progress environmental sustainability initiatives throughout the Noosa Biosphere Reserve. The NBRF are extremely grateful to QWaLC for the assistance they continue to provide the voluntary sector within Natural Resource Management and indeed the NBRF directly.