The Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation’s Koalas on the Move driver awareness campaign continues during the
active breeding season in a bid to reduce the number of vehicle strikes on koalas.
Since the start of August, Wildcare Australia’s Noosa rescue team have responded to three fatal car strikes, two
non-fatal hits and four near misses.
With all near misses reported in the middle of September alone, Wildcare Australia rescuer Rachel Lyons says
September and October are traditionally the busiest months.
“We’re experiencing an unusual season with the rain, however we’re still early into breeding season and need to
remain aware of wildlife near roads. We recently rescued two misadventure dispersal koalas near roads as they
were out looking for their own home range,” said Ms Lyons.
Digital road signage with the message ‘Koalas on the move. Be aware’ displayed, has been placed in hotspot
locations, on McKinnon Drive and Cooroy-Noosa Road.
“We’re also seeing Louis Bazzo Drive emerge as another hot spot to look out for this season,” she said.
Be aware of koalas:
- Be aware when driving, particularly at dawn and dusk when wildlife can be hard to see.
- Look out for road signage in ‘koala zones’ – koalas are near!
- If you see an injured animal by the roadside, call the Wildcare Noosa 24-hr emergency rescue
hotline on 5527 2444. Stay with the animal until help arrives, if it’s safe to do so. - Talk to family and friends about koala breeding season.
- Download the Koalas on the Move poster and display it in your business or school.
Visit for more information.