Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation will invest $330,000 into the Big Ideas Grants Round which opens for expressions of interest on Wednesday 26 July.
The Big Ideas Grants Round seeks proposals beyond business as usual to enhance Noosa’s long-term prosperity in ways which also increase protection of its truly magnificent environment.
Chairman, Dick Barnes says the Foundation is keen to see the community work together to develop ideas that will see long-term transformational change.
“We are seeking ideas from the community that will deliver environmental and socio-economic outcomes and set the course for the next decade and beyond.
“We call on all sectors – community, research and business – to together drive our prosperity.
“We invite the community to think big and work collaboratively towards a long-term vision.
“If we get enough big ideas, we can make the biggest annual investment in our history.
“We need ‘shovel ready’ ideas which attract co-investment and deliver in priority areas.”
Priority areas include the health of Noosa’s waterways, it’s catchments, iconic species and sustainable development which delivers both prosperity and protection.
“Our river has too much sediment and mud in it – how can we fix it and fix it soon? The sooner it’s fixed, the sooner we can bring back more fish,” says Dick Barnes.
“Koalas are on the brink in parts of Noosa, yet they are part of our ‘brand’. Losing them isn’t an option, so what are we going to do?”
The Foundation invites concept proposals to be submitted by the closing date of 25 August.