Noosa Biosphere Reserve - A celebration of community and environment.

Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation welcomes new Directors

Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation welcomes new Directors

The Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation (NBRF) appointed three new directors at their annual general meeting held on 2nd December 2022.

Chair, Fiona Berkin, is delighted to welcome Dr Richard Brown and Bill Allan, to the NBRF Board, joining current Directors Cr Tom Wegener, Dr Jan Green, Linda Venables and Jennifer Black.

Richard Brown is currently Honorary Associate Professor in Economics, in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law, and, in the Institute for Social Sciences Research, University of Queensland. He has extensive advisory experience as an applied project and policy analyst in Australia and internationally, including project appraisals of industrial, infrastructural, educational projects and environmental projects and policies.

Bill Allan is the current CFO for Destiny Rescue and comes with over 50 years of governance, IT and financial expertise. He holds professional memberships with Institute of Public Accountants, Taxation Institute of Australia, Governance Institute of Australia, Australian Institute of Management and Fundraising Institute of Australia

NBRF also welcomes new Board Advisor, Sonia Shillington, former Head of Marketing and Events for Tourism Noosa who was instrumental in launching the highly successful Enter the Biosphere campaign in 2020.

“I would like to thank outgoing Directors Duncan Thompson, Prof Rod Smith and Jady Smith for their considerable time and commitment to NBRF over the three-year term as Directors,” said Ms Berkin.

Highlights during their tenure include the launch of the Noosa Biosphere Gala and Awards; Glossy Black-Cockatoo and Marine Species protection symposiums; launch of the Koalas on the Move campaign; strengthening links to the University of the Sunshine Coast’s Work Integrated Learning Student program and PhD Top-up Scholarships; winning the UNESCO Michel Batisse award; and launch of the Grow for Noosa fund, among many others.

The full range of activities over the past financial year have been published in the NBRF’s Annual Report which can be found on their website under Governance.

NBRF also undertook a comprehensive Strategic Review during 2022, lead by Directors Linda Venables and Jennifer Black, which has seen the development of a new vision and mission, and proposed committee structure for the organisation.

“This important work is ongoing and I look forward to working with our new Directors to develop the Strategic Plan and our priorities further throughout 2023,” said Ms Berkin.

“Looking to the future, NBRF will host a Sustainability Forum in February 2023, which aims to bring together social, economic and environmental sectors to tackle key regional issues by leveraging funding and shared resources. This will further assist us in finalising our strategic plan for the calendar year 2023-24.”

The Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation prides itself on the work it does in our region and recognises that it takes the entire community to embrace the Biosphere to have it live on for all future generation,” said Ms Berkin.