Noosa Biosphere Reserve - A celebration of community and environment.

Understand Our Biosphere

Project Overview

Engaging the Noosa Community to better understand our Biosphere Reserve and its biodiversity.

Noosa is rightly proud of the stunning environment and biodiversity it has nurtured over many years. There is a very real opportunity to engage more citizens in what needs to be done to facilitate sustainable living, including biodiversity conservation.

This project’s aim is to protect and enhance biodiversity conservation through education and dialogue with the community and to explain some of the threats to Noosa Biosphere Reserve to promote local on-ground actions.

A scientific briefing package was developed including information material and a video, and engagement occurred through a variety of events with the community including street parties and community meetings and discussions. The project facilitates broader community understanding of and involvement in the Noosa Biosphere Reserve with expected increase in volunteer numbers and actions.

Intended outcomes
  • Measure and increase community awareness and understanding of the Noosa Biosphere Reserve – pre and post engagement activity surveys
  • Track number of engagement events held
  • Track number of event participants
  • Track video views
  • Track NCBA membership changes
  • Document community ideas and concerns

The project was completed in January 2017.



In the media