Noosa Biosphere Reserve - A celebration of community and environment.

Investment + Project Funding

Project funding

Noosa has become one of Australia’s most thriving hubs for greentech and climate innovation, thanks to its unique geographic location and long-term community interest in nature protection.

Embedded in our DNA is authentic collaboration with our community and partnerships that provide pathways for positive impact in our living laboratory. We’re proud to have a significant record of meaningful collaborations in the Noosa Biosphere, including:

Overall Project Investment & Value


Noosa Biosphere Awards Program

Established in 2021, the Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation considers this Awards program as a leading example of celebrating people community doing great things to progress Noosa’s outcomes in environment, social and economic sustainability.

  • The program is inclusive of youth, innovation, individuals and businesses, cultural heritage and community leadership.
  • Enables participation and peer to peer learning and influence to take place for the purpose of environmental stewardship and business sustainability, fostering a culture of cameraderie and rewarding positive actions.

2023 Sustainability Forum

Through our Symposiums, we bring together stakeholders and community representatives to create local solutions for the unique conservation and sustainability challenges of the Noosa Biosphere Reserve.

  • We collaborate to develop innovative research, secure funding, advocate, and take action on projects that enhance biodiversity conservation and promote sustainable living in the Noosa Shire.
  • Our past symposiums have included a Glossy Black-Cockatoo Forum, Marine Species Protection Symposium, Koala Symposium and in 2023, we held a community-wide Engagement Symposium to align the goals of our community groups and help enable the sharing of knowledge across stakeholders.