Noosa Biosphere Reserve - A celebration of community and environment.

What is a biosphere reserve?

The Noosa Biosphere Reserve is a unique place where people strive to live in harmony with nature – where the delicate balance between humanity and the environment is celebrated and carefully managed.

When you’re here, you’re one of our many caretakers. 
How you treat the land, water, air and wildlife has an impact.
How you roam here, matters.

Did you know?

There are over 700 biosphere reserves around the world, 
and only 5 in Australia! The Noosa Shire was the first site in Queensland to be awarded UNESCO biosphere reserve status, in 2007.

Since then, Noosa has maintained its status as a result of its collaborative education for sustainability and research program.

It's about life!

The global UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme encourages local research to improve the relationship between our community and the environment. We enable projects to understand the behaviour of common and threatened species for protection, repopulation and sustainable living practices so everything and everyone in the Noosa Biosphere Reserve can thrive!

Tips to tread lightly and live in harmony with nature


Recycle and dispose of
rubbish in the right bins

Enjoy public transport
over car travel

Respect no-go areas

and stick to pathways

Care for our wildlife

and their environment

Spread the word to friends,

family and neighbours

Whether you’re a resident or visitor, everyone who enjoys the Noosa Shire is a caretaker of our Biosphere Reserve – help sustain our home for generations to come!

Register to go into the draw to:

Win a Noosa Biosphere Reserve ‘Sustainable Living’ Experience in 2024*

The Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation (NBRF) is a non-profit organisation that celebrates the Noosa Biosphere Reserve by engaging, inspiring and facilitating partners and community to promote a balance between people and nature.